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Reviews and Testimonials

We have an excellent safety record on our adventure trips. But on other trips our first aid skills were were needed. Read how we helped.

On a week-long backpacking trip along the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina, I stumbled, fell down and broke my elbow. Andy Niekamp was there to assist me. He created a sling for my arm, immobilized my injury, made me comfortable and took control of the situation. He used his cell phone to contact the local search and rescue group. He advised them of our situation and formulated a plan to transport me out of the woods. Andy carried my backpack and hiked with me to where the rescue group was waiting. He rode with me to the hospital and stayed with me the entire time. I can't imagine how this would have turned out if Andy was not there to help.
Cathie V. - Virginia.

On a group outing at a state park in Kentucky, I was eating dinner with friends when I choked on a piece of food. I could not breathe or talk. It was a very scary experience for me. Before anyone else in the group knew what was happening, Andy Niekamp jumped up and performed the Heimlich maneuver. Andy gave me two abdominal thrusts, which caused the piece of food to dislodge. I could finally breathe again. I am so thankful that Andy was there and recognized I was in distress. The outcome could have been much worse.
Daine B. - Ohio.

While bicycling on a backcountry trail in Alabama, I accidentally collided with a hiker. The hiker was fine but I was thrown from my bicycle. The back of my head received a gash as I fell to the ground. Andy Niekamp happened to be hiking nearby and saw the commotion. I had never met Andy before, but he didn't hesitate to help! My head was lying in a pool of blood. Andy applied direct pressure to the wound and stopped the bleeding. He summoned others to get help while he held me still and comforted me. He stayed with me the whole time until the paramedics arrived. I am lucky that Andy was kind enough to help.
Mary R. - Arkansas

This was a great workshop. Eira. T.