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All Reviews and Testimonials

Andy and his team are extremely knowledgeable and friendly. They provided valuable beginner backpacker information in a welcoming and encouraging environment.Terra D.

The guides made everyone feel welcome and safe.Nicole L.

Andy was a fantastic guide! He was able to provide and support with a nice gradual release. His workshops were informative and gave us valuable details about backpacking on the AT.Heather G.

I loved trying the different meals. They were delicious and gave me tons of ideas!Jaime S.

I haven't enjoyed myself like that in a long time. Two beautiful campsites, totally different from one another; a very pleasant hiking pace.Glenn R.

It was perfect the way it was. Just enough time to "get your feet wet" I like there are other courses that build from this experience.Andrea W.

I liked the individual instruction/attention received regarding tent set-up and backpack fitting. I felt the guides were truly devoted to sharing their joy & knowledge of backpacking to all. Pat S.

Don't change a thing Andy! I had a fantastic time. Chris C.

The course, workshops, guides and time spent was excellent and I hope to do other courses in the future.Joe V.

I had a wonderful time with a really positive hiking group.Robert R.

I was glad to finally see how much a 23 lb pack feels when hiking. It wasn't bad at all. The guides are very knowledgeable and enjoy sharing their experiences with others. Their personal touch with everything from breakfast to best practices was awesome!Jill B.

The rain provided yet another great lesson in backpacking reality and how to deal. All in all, it was a great experience, I learned a lot, and I very much enjoyed the company of all of the ladies who were there.Laurie J.

This was a great weekend for beginners. It definitely makes you want to keep on backpacking.Theresa W.

We would never have done our first AT trip if not for Outdoor Adventure Connection. The whole trip was awesome. I love that you even arranged perfect weather for us. I learned so much and feel much more comfortable now about hiking overnight.Teri H.

The program covers the ethics behind Leave No Trace principles and why we all should try our best to be good stewards of our environment. Captain Blue's leadership and interpersonal skills were second to none. He is the consummate professional but keeps the atmosphere relaxed, fun and flexible. Thank you for exceeding my expectations.Dirk W.

Thank you so very much for allowing me to be a part of this trip. The views, the climbs, the learning, and the adventure made this a great experience.Ben K.

The trip was awesome. I honestly have nothing to say that could be improved. Great company, workshops and positive atmosphere!Paula H.

This trip had everything, great leadership, fellow hikers & weather. God blessed our trip, it was awesome!Bob B.

I learned a lot and enjoyed meeting a great group of people.Melissa T.

The loved the amazing attention to detail and the supportive environment that the guides provided. Surprising to myself, I really enjoyed the yoga. And of course the hiking. The fantastic leaders set the tone for a group. They encouraged a supportive female environment from the start and ensured everyone felt comfortable and included.Ellie H.

The guides are knowledgeable and their presentations were relevant to our needs as beginners. Both were positive and encouraging in their approach to us. The program exceeded my expectations!Bill K.

As usual, this trip exceeded my expectations.Noelle A.

What a great weekend! Great seeing everyone. Absolutely wonderful company!Jenny W.

This is a program I will recommend to anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of backpacking and the impact we all have while enjoying vitamin N.Kate S.

Amazing lovely ladies with fun hearts! Attention to all of the details!Sally H.

I really enjoyed all. I feel a lot better thanks to this experience and feel more comfortableTeresa P.

The guides did a great job explaining everything in detail and was very easy to talk to. Any question I asked was answered thoroughly. My wife and I really enjoyed this experience! Highly recommended!Joe T.

This trip was one of the best times I've had in a long time. I'm not really sure what I would change. The gear list was very clear. The guides were very open and helpful with there thoughts on different gear and tips to make things easier. Thanks for a great trip. Jeremy L.

I can't think of a change I would make! Andy made the trip fun, informative and carefree. When things grew challenging I was blown away by his cool , intelligent , reassuring and rapid response. He is so knowledgeable and approachable.Carolyn H.

I enjoyed everything I learned over the weekend.Denise K.

This was a great introduction to backpacking. A just right experience for beginners enhanced by beautiful weather.Ellen G.

I really liked the relaxed, low key atmosphere. I think that having leaders who are knowledgeable without being overbearing really helped everyone relax and enjoy the experience without feeling intimidated.Amy G.

I went on the trip to the Appalachian Trail. Awesome time as usual with Lucy and Yvonne!Joy W.

I had a wonderful experience.Karen P.

I loved everything! Change nothing! Continue providing an excellent experience!Julio S.

We learned a lot of new information about how to prepare ourselves for backpacking. It was great to be able to rent some equipment and try it out before making the investment in backpacking equipment. I also loved that you tailored the information to what folks wanted to know. Wonderful experience overall!Kari M.

The training was exactly what I was looking for. Yvonne and Lucy are AMAZING women, and I feel very luck to have had the chance to learn from them.Andrea W.

I would highly recommend the backpacking classes to anyone who would like to learn more tricks of the trade and find out how amazing trail magic can be. Shannon M.

This is an excellent program. Beautifully executed.Hannah S.

All the workshops were were very interactive and gave me a chance to try new techniques. I would not change a thing.Jackie C.

There is not ONE THING I WOULD CHANGE!!!!! The entire trip exceeded every expectation I had. And Andy, you could not have been a more wonderful, helpful, and genuinely kind person!!!! And I mean that 500%. It was especially awesome getting to know you better!! I now consider you more than my "backpacking guide"... I think of you now, truly, as my friend.Gina B.

The educational aspects were excellent, easy to understand and very informative. I especially enjoyed Leave No Trace, tips on gear and the food preparation/tasting demo.Charley S.

A great weekend trip with energetic and spirited hiking company! I had an awesome time. Thank you to Andy for leading us and planning all the details.Laura L.

I really enjoyed the overnight in a tent and the demo of jet boil. I appreciate learning how to pack my pack; it was way to unnecessarily heavy.Jeremiah H.

The guides were friendly and helpful. The activities were varied and interesting. The cabins were lovely.Patty H.

Given the challenging weather conditions, the trip was a fabulous success. I participated with a friend to encourage her to learn more about backpacking and build some confidence.Lana P.

I loved everything about this trip. I had such a great time. This was such a great learning experience and was a great start to more backpacking.Ben K.

This was a wonderful experience that increased my confidence not only in my ability to backpack but in myself in general. There is nothing I would change.Jackie B.

I had the most fun together on Saturday night and then it was over! Would be nice to have had one more night! The guides were awesome. The park was just beautiful - I will go back!Theresa G.

Amazing program, amazing experience! I will definitely backpack with OAC againEllen S.

I loved everything. I came home and weighed everything in my pack. Teresa A.

I especially enjoyed the creek crossing! I was also very glad to learn about additional techniques for hanging bear bags and all sorts of general safety tips. I can't think of anything I would change - even glad I now know how to handle backpacking in the rain.Jessica C.

Perfect distance each day, Andy flexible when appropriate. Awesome section of trail - good mix of scenery. Cool hostel - good experience. Loved the documents to read through. Andy truly taught us vs. just doing for us. Overall great experience!Toni M.

It was an excellent trip all the way around. It gave me a lot of opportunity to get close to the nature and refresh myself.Ivin J.

What an amazing experience! Thank you for sharing it with me and others.Noelle A.

Even though it was cold and windy, it was a good trip and I'm glad I went. The workshops were interesting and educational.Robin Y.

I was super impressed with the workshops. The Ethics of the "Leave No Trace" principles are very important to me, and I was so pleased that they were stressed and practiced through out the weekend.Shelly M.

The pace of the activities planned was spot on.  Enough time to enjoy each of them and enough down time in between to get ready for the next.  I can’t think of anything that could have been better.Ann Y.

Enthusiastic knowledgeable guides make the workshop fun and educational. Amanda L.

I loved all aspects of the trip, well....except that 28lb pack was not so pleasant the first hour, but after some adjustments by the guides, it wasn't difficult. I did not want the weekend to end! All the guides were so helpful, friendly, and full of information from their own various personal experiences. I will definitely do this again!Bridget M.

It is hard to pick one thing that was best because it was all so awesome.Maria D.

I enjoyed a challenging backpacking experience. Andy is very knowledgeable and is always willing to help and answer questions.Bill K.

I thought that this workshop was a good test of the equipment my wife and I are planning to take next month when we begin section hiking on the AT. I particularly liked the helpful tips I received from both guides.Randall B.

Great way to dip one's toe into the water of backpacking without having to make a full commitment.Emily O.

I really learned a lot and feel more prepared to go try this on my own. Both Andy and Lucy share the passion they have for this and that's infectious.Rick S.

I think it was great to have a woman as one of the instructors, its a great inspiration to hear from an accomplished and confident woman.Terry C.

It was a great fall hike with great weather and great people to hike with and share the weekend. I learned lots this weekend.Bob M.

I liked the Leave No Trace discussions and the discussion in between with other participantsName Withheld

This was my 2nd time attending and I really enjoyed it again. All in all, it was still another great experience that I would recommend to anyone.Summer K.

It was all excellent. I would not have changed a thing. It was as described when I signed up. The guides were so helpful, informative, answered all questions and were only encouraging in all our efforts. I give them an A+Kelly E.

I am so appreciative of the gentle manner in which Andy guides, coaches, encourages you to learn and grow. He sets you up so you feel confident to tackle a backpacking trip on your own. Traci B.

The trip was excellent! I could truly write a full page describing my experience and appreciation, but please know that guide and the workshops were absolutely wonderful. Keep up the good work! I hope to join you again on another trip.Marsha S.

The workshops were excellent. The guides were very helpful; answering many questions from me and fellow backpackers.Kris S.

What a fantastic adventure! What a gorgeous place to spend a weekend Backpacking. Andy did was an excellent leader, always making sure that everyone was having the best time possible. I can hardly wait for the next trip! Dale D.

The trip has armed me with the knowledge that I was previously lacking in terms of packing needs, backwoods hygiene and Leave No Trace principles. Great job!Jessica C.

It was great! Thanks to Andy for all the knowledge and wisdom you imparted to us!! Your preparation was top notch!Vicki G.

Thank you Again Andy for a Wonderful Weekend. Beautiful Scenery, Perfect Weather and a GREAT group of Hiking Friends. These trips definitely allow me to go to places I would NEVER venture out on my own.Kimberly S.

I liked that everyone was encouraged to do/try each activity but that no one was made to feel badly if they did not want to do something. It seems that everyone accomplished what they hoped and that people overcame their fears, too!Amanda L.

The loved the opportunity to backpack with a group of newbies and with very knowledgeable guides. Don't change a thing.Kathi M.

The trip was wonderful and inspiring. My favorite part was crossing the river. I can not think of any changes needed. It was also nice to meet others interested in backpacking. It was impressive how hard the guides worked to assist us setting up camp on a rainy day and then cooking so many different foods for us to try. I will book another trip!Sally D.

Guides are very knowledgeable, fun, and made everyone feel welcome. I liked the workshops and trying the different backpacking stoves and meals.Carrie N.

The trip was well organized. Your experience, knowledge and encouragement made taking on the challenge of the AT a very doable task.David L.

This trip was AMAZING! I can't say enough about how organized the trip was, how knowledgeable the guides were and how beautiful it was!Stephanie P.

I loved the whole experience and can't wait to go on more trips to continue to expand my knowledge.Margy R.

I loved the scenery and the knowledge that the guides possess! They always have a great tip for each scenario. Only experience can teach that! Very easy to talk to! Can't wait for our next trip!Joe T.

The BEST part of this weekend was the way you thought of every detail and planned the weekend so that we could enjoy it fully without worrying about being responsible for anything (other than staying safe and having fun!).  I really have no suggestions on how to make it better.Beth L.

The entire experience could not have been better. I will cherish the memory of our laughs and the breathtaking views for years to come.Matt P.

Still trying to absorb the absolutely wonderful experiences I had this past weekend. I highly recommend Outdoor Adventure Connection if you want to learn more about all things hiking. This is my second trip with them, and it was even more awesome than the first one.Shelly M.

Had a great time, and everyone was friendly and fun as usual. Weekend was well organized, and super relaxing.John S.

I loved everything. All of the activities were well planned and coordinated. I appreciated that I didn't have to "think" I just showed up and everything was taken care of. The night of fellowship was a great time to share and get to know one another.Sarah K.

The trip was absolutely fabulous and Andy and our group of adventurers were upbeat and positive even with mother nature throwing us a few unexpected curve balls. I would do another trip in a heartbeat!Paige

Our guides were the best! Seriously, their experience, knowledge, patience, advice was outstanding.Name Withheld

I highly recommend Outdoor Adventure Connection to anyone considering a backpacking trip. This program teaches you all the fundamentals required to not only be safe, but also have fun and feel comfortable backpacking without a guide. Thanks so much!Dirk W.

This trip was a wonderful experience. It was FUN, and the workshops were so informative. I feel the confidence to repeat this adventure on my own. The section of the AT is simply spectacular! This adventure is so inspiring! I will definitely do this trip again and hope some of my friends will too.Edda K.

Every detail was really thoughtful and carefully planned. Your attention to detail was noticed and appreciated.Sally T.

What an amazing trip with an incredible group of people! Thank you for all you did to make the trip extra special!Lisa S.

The trip exceeded all expectations I could possibly dream up and I can't wait to go on my next trip with y'all.Lauren B.

I loved being on the trails and being with experienced guides that shared their knowledge. The guides worked hard to ensure everyone had an enjoyable learning experience. Great Job! Thank you for making the opportunity possible.Odie B.

What I liked the best was the core Leave No Trace principles that laid the foundation for the entire trip--outdoor ethics. The importance of respect for nature and minimizing the human footprint had personal impact for me.Karen P.

This trip was quite a triumph for me personally. The scenery was amazing. The culture of the AT is something I love and am fascinated by. But people are what make our lives the most meaningful. I could not imagine sharing the experience with 6 finer people on earth.Chris C.

I loved the trip and enjoyed it thoroughly! I was anxious before the trip because I wasn't sure if I brought the right items but Andy made me feel confident in my pack right by reviewing its contents and telling my why I needed/didn't need certain items.Ashley V.

Your talent of welcoming and creating a comfortable atmosphere for All the backpackers is quite impressive. The entire backpacking trip was well planned and quite informative. Thank you so much!Gayle B.

Loved the presentations, the humor, the information. Andy is a natural teacher, you made the Leave No Trace fun even for adults, and through the chuckles, made it thought provoking too.Glen B.

I've done the workshop twice, and I can't recommend one thing to make it better! Fantastic!Gina B.

Incredible. Well thought out, wouldn't be able to suggest improving. I was challenged, but felt all the stronger for trying to push myself. Thoughtful details.Thanks for a great adventure.Debbie P.

I loved the AT Lingo workshop!Elissa W.

Was a wonderful trip! Lucy and Yvonne did a great job. I feel everyone learned something even though there was such a vast range of experience levels.Jennifer P.

Andy and Glenn did an awesome job in making us feel comfortable. It was such a nice group of people, beautiful place, making for a truly enjoyable weekend!Barb L.

I was really impressed by the Leave No Trace ethics game. It was really well done.Margaret D.

Andy and Lucy kept the group laughing and learning the whole time. Your efforts made the trip feel safe and so much fun. I had an awesome time and want to do it again!Linda M.

I liked everything!Lori D.

I don't know when I would ever get a chance to do that with such special people again. Loved it!Janet R.

The guides were terrific! Very kind and encouraging. The workshops were very informative- but I most just enjoyed all the stories and great tips that were shared throughout the trip. This was the best thing I have done for myself in a long time!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.Laura H.

Amazing company and absolutely beautiful weather in the great outdoors. Yes, I even enjoyed the fresh down pour of rain on our way out! The trip after the trip was truly joyful.Kathie V.

I learned so much in such a short time and met so many nice people.Michele D.

This experience was amazing. I wouldn't change anything. I was very sad to see it end.Kody M

Great learning experience and confidence booster. It was a prefect beginning experience. I will definitely recommend outdoor adventure connection to my friends!Jamie A.

A perfect "beginning".... Our leaders were educated, informative, sharing, real and FUN! Andy was aware of each participants needs, comforts and limitations.Terri J.

Well organized. Pace was perfect to new hikers.Randy R.

Thanks for a great weekend! Cathy and I had a wonderful time and it was a good learning experience. We certainly enjoyed your enthusiasm and passion for hiking.Steve M.

What I like best is learning survival skills out in the woods but also those that could be applied to every day life such as Stopa!M.W.

I appreciated Andy's calm demeanor as well as offering an unbiased choices to a group vote when the trip was affected by the adverse weather conditions.Patrycja C.

This workshop was so informative, fun, and prepared my husband and I to take off on our own. We learned so much and this confirmed our desire to start backpacking. I was a little unsure and uncomfortable with it before but now I can't wait to get back out there. It was a perfect and amazing experience.Melissa T.

Every excursion was well planned and detailed. I enjoy being pampered as well as being fit.Jennifer L.

It was the best experience one could ask for!! Truly unforgettable and the friendships made will last a lifetime!!!Darlene A.

I loved meeting new friends and comparing equipment. I don't think I would change a thing. I liked the fact that every time we talked about things like water filtering or camp stoves, someone there had used something different and we got to see how they worked. Visual experience is always the best.Sara D.

I was pretty impressed. Wouldn't change anything, really.Tim S.

I wouldn't have changed a thing! I really enjoyed the dinner samples and playing the LNT ethics game. From start to finish, the whole trip was fun, educational and well-planned. Summer K.

I learned lots of little tips for efficient backpacking and met some great new hiking buddies.Tali H.

A PERFECT weekend...well-planned, seamless, and packed with fun things. I'm not a sit-around-and-chat kind of girl. I do better connecting through activates, so I liked it jam-packed! I really appreciated the thoughtfulness of the extras.Renee W.

The whole weekend was wonderfully organized. We were all kept busy but not too busy and I do love an itinerary! My only regret was not getting to know everyone better.Susan D.

I have more knowledge and a greater appreciation for taking care of our wild places.Naomi J.

Absolutely great trip. Thanks Andy for your organization, encouragement, and positive approach.Cathy V.

This experience really boosted my confidence and knowledge of backpacking! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and meeting folks equally interested in backpacking. The guides are very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about this sport! The training topics were spot on. Saturday dinner was delicious and fun.Amy S.

It was perfect!Laurie B.

I had a wonderful time this weekend. The guide did a great job leading, and teaching us the skills we need to be successful backpackers.Terra D.

Fantastic trip and what a campsite the second night!Rob E.

I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to share this adventure with.Jackie C.

Thanks for putting the trip together! It was a good shakedown for my upcoming Appalachian Trail hike. Company was great.Jeff H.

I liked the variety of activities, the location, the flow of the schedule, and all the little details the best. I like the whole weekend the best! I don't think you could have done anything better.Barb C.

Great guide with a wealth of knowledge. Well planned and executed.Narayan R.

Thank you for such a fun weekend. Andy did a great job planning the trip. What a fun group.Amy C.

The trip was very informative and answered many questions that I had about backpacking. The park was lovely and had great terrain. The guides were friendly and knowledgeable. I would do this trip again and recommend it to others who were interested in backpacking. Thank you!Robbin C.

The trip and workshops were fantastic. I wouldn't change anything.Normajean R.

I really liked talking to the guides about their experiences. They made me feel very comfortable asking questions. The only thing I would have changed was for it to be warmer! ;).Andrea C.

I enjoyed the activities in the evening and the variety of dinner optionsSue H.

I loved how everything was broken down and explained in an easy to understand manner. I had a wonderful experience and learned more than I thought possible.Faith D.

Absolutely had a blast!Rita L.

We both learned a lot. Being new I am not sure what would make it better. The hiking itself was my favorite.Minette S.

Thank you so much for the memorable experience!! I thoroughly enjoyed it and will remember this gig for a lifetime!Prasad T.

I like the caving trip the best! There isn't an anything that I can think of that I would change.Rita L.

Guides were great. Perfect team that complemented each other perfectly. Very patient and addressed everyone's unique needs.Toni M.

Excellent guide and location!Erin V.

I LOVED how open and helpful the guides were. They really went out of their way to ensure we felt comfortable to ask whatever questions popped into our heads and make sure we were all having a great time.Lauren B.

What a fabulous adventure! Where to start? This section of the Roan Highlands is magical in its beauty. The flowers, the trees, the boulders, the steep climbs, the grassy balds, set against the backdrop of mountainous ridge after ridge were breath taking.Karen P.

I was inspired by the stories from each guide and I no longer feel like I missed my chance because I didn't do this when is was "young".Naomi J.

I liked our accommodations, food, and evening activities. I enjoyed meeting the Carter Cave park staff.Debbie B.

I can't think of anything to change or do better. The park, facilities, trails and amenities were absolutely wonderful and beautiful. Very happy! The guides were great! They were interesting, provided a personal experience and were so very knowledgeable. So enthusiastic!Debbie D.

Loved the caving and guided hikes, also loved the attention to detail and all the small touches.Maria D.

Over the past few days I have realized that the workshop and trip were even more important than I initially realized. The confidence that my knowledge and experience are sufficient to keep me out of major trouble had me smiling all the way homeLynn J.

I enjoyed everything.Carol A.

I liked learning the principles of Leave No Trace. It is nice to know your program leaders have such a true passion in what they do.Linda H.

I honestly had the best time! I have absolutely nothing but compliments. Keep up the good work Andy and please keep me informed of any other trips you plan in the future. Thank you!!Andrea T.

The entire trip from start to finish exceeded my expectations. Even though we had rain during portions of the adventure, that didn't change a thing! May even made the trip a bit more challenging. Do not change a thing, all breakout sessions were great.Doug L.

Very well organized! I liked how the team worked together to share their knowledge and experience with all of us. I liked how the guides were patient when we asked questions and the overall wonderful camaraderie of the group and relaxed atmosphere throughout the weekend. Overall experience was great!Helen M.

I loved the freedom to explore and then time to chill at the evening campfires.Shelly P.

Would not recommend changing anything - had a great time !! Thank you Andy.Sharon J.

I feel more confident for future backpacking trips. I learned much more than I anticipated. Thank you.Charley S.

This was an excellent introductory course, and we look forward to enrolling in a Level II course as soon as our schedule allows.Terra D.

Absolutely one of the best times I have had in a long time!Cleo W.

I love the trip. I can't say it could be any better!Ira G.

I didn't know much about the ethics of backpacking until this weekend. I now know how important it is to apply the "Leave No Trace Principles" while in the woods. I had FUN and that matters most. Thank you again for being awesome organizers!Sarah N.

Andy, you are awesome. You gave us what was expected and a lot of extras. I learned a lot.Kris S.

Great backpacking adventure! Had a great time, met new folks and learned tons. Thank you.Janet S.

It's the small touches that I really appreciated.Katy H.

I received excellent tips to make next trip more enjoyable and less effort in a supportive environment. Not sure what you could do better--already topnotch!Elizabeth R.

I enjoyed every minute of this trip. The guides were great in answering questions, and giving encouragement. I really learned a lot.Rhonda B.

The challenge of the weather made the trip better. Being harder built my confidence. Andy and Lucy are AWESOME guides.Mike L.

The trip was a wonderful experience and one I never thought I would get to have.Cara S.

Loved it from start to finish. LOVED the hospitality you showed - I felt totally pampered all weekend - you thought of everything. Loved it! THANK YOU! Ashley D.

Well organized and informative. I really liked the ability to hike the AT with an experienced guide. I got out of this what I hoped for and then some. The experience accelerated my learning curve and ability to do multi-day backpacking trips.Rick J.

I enjoyed this backpacking trip very much. Andy did a great job (as usual) with drawing everyone together into a warm and friendly group.Wes B.

I just completed a 3 day solo hike on the AT. When my friend decided not to go, I relied on the experience gained from your backpacking course to do it solo. I want to thank you for course!Carl R.

I liked the info about what to pack and how to pack it. This was the most helpful for me. I also learned about the wonders of trekking poles, which I now love.Carri W.

Excellent! I loved the small group and challenging of hike. I enjoyed tent camping for three nights.Sally D.

Excellent! The guides are extremely knowledgeable and great leaders. It was a pleasure meeting new backpackers and sharing experiences.Jerry R.

I loved being able to experience what it was like to hike the AT on my own. I liked finding my pace and having a goal location to find along the way. It was a wonderful experience!!Sara D.

I would not change a thing. Andy is very patient and a great teacher. I learned much on this hike.Michele D.

Totally enjoyed the experience and new knowledge obtained.Gregg W.

There isn't just one thing that I loved about this trip. It was a wonderful experience all around. The group I was in was fantastic, helpful, kind, positive, adventurous, courageous, and honest. I felt completely comfortable with the group, and the level of intensity of the hike was exactly what I was looking for.Shannon M.

I don't think you could have done anything better. Your attention to detail and consideration for others are tremendous. Everything was top-notch. Thank you!Shauna M.

It was a great trip, well organized, fantastic bunch of people and overall a wonderful few days. Thank you. I loved the entire weekend and it was well worth my 10hr drive home. Thanks Andy. Will be keeping an eye out for more trips.Olivia E.

The trip was just what I was looking for and more!Randall B.

I wouldn't change a thing! This was an absolutely wonderful experience! Every detail was planned and well thought out by our guide. I wouldn't have any hesitation in recommending this trip to a someone who has never backpacked, a beginning backpacker or someone who want to brush up on their skills. I am really looking forward to attending OAC trips in the future. Thanks so much for an excellent experience!Amanda R.

I wouldn't change a thing. Abby R.

I loved the instruction and how well this was done!Jerry S.

The course was perfect and so was the location.Matt P.

Paddleboarding and kayaking were the best!Patty S.

The accommodations were awesome and really enjoyed the variety of evening activities.Barb K.

All guides very friendly, helpful & knowledgeable. I learned a lot. This was my first workshop and I thought it was the total package.Regina C.

Andy shared his knowledge and led in a very polite and professional way throughout the trip. He went above and beyond to see all participants were safe, learning and enjoying the trip. The materials provided were extremely useful. Am not certain anything should be changed however I would like to be able to attend again, perhaps enjoying a longer hike.Diana B.

I had so much fun, learned so much, and connected with great women.Eunice H.

I can't imagine anything being done differently in regards to leadership, introduction, prep and planning. The experience exceeded my expectations.Monika M.

I really appreciated the focus of the trail projects and how knowledgeable the trail boss is.Robin R.

The whole experience was great: very friendly and knowledgeable leaders, great group of women, and wonderful views!Robin T.

I enjoyed all of it! The guides are the best I've ever shared a trip with. The learning clinics were excellent.Kate S.

The learning process continued throughout the weekend!Lynn J.

We had an amazing time even in the rainy weather!!!Dawn L.

Andy and the guides had such a calm demeanor, it gave me confidence.Star H.

The schedule was good. One week was perfect. Work/play ratio was great.Sterling D.

What a fabulous experience! I enjoyed meeting, hiking and laughing with everyone. Thank you for a great adventure!! Your photos capture every aspect of the journey. The beauty of the land, new friendships, laughter and fatigue.Pat S.

I can't pick any one thing I liked "best". I thought the whole trip was great. You have done an outstanding job on the other trips I've been on with you and you did so again on this one. First rate all the way.Jack L.

This trip went far beyond my expectations. The details that were put into the trip, preparation, workshops, activities, handouts, follow-up, pictures, were all 'extras' that were not expected.Jessica H.

The workshops were exceptional. Overall - OUTSTANDING JOB!Mike L.

This trip was amazing! It was well organized. Great group of people, beautiful hiking that was challenging but so much fun and very rewarding. I loved the workshops and the whole experience. Would go again!Andrea W.

Loved every minute of it. Would not change a thing.Lisa B.

I liked the attention to detail. Gear, snacks, directions, experience were all provided to enhance the experience.Jill H.

Great guide and beautiful views!Marilyn H.

I was extremely impressed with how well organized the whole weekend was.  You anticipated our every need and left us wanting for nothing.Kathleen K.

I thought this was a fantastic group and I enjoyed learning from the other backpackers. I certainly appreciate the guide sharing his knowledge and experiences.Sharon J.

Thanks so much for the great experience! Loved meeting the other people in our group and learning from the guides.Great memories!Sara B.

It was a great time and I'll just echo what has already been said. Thank you Andy and everyone else for your advice and laughter.Robb C.

I loved the entire experience! I hope to go on additional trips in the future!Cindy S.

The whole weekend was an incredible experience. It went far beyond my expectations.Shelly M.

I loved every minute, every aspect of this trip. Would love to do again...right now!!! Love that Andy builds our confidence level and makes the experience so enjoyable. Best guide ever!!!Johnene I.

The trip felt like something out of a dream, seeing such sights. And just being on the AT itself, after spending so long reading about it. The trip gave me great confidence in my backpacking abilities, and made me feel sure I can thru-hike the AT when I'm ready. I can't wait to go back again in the future.Alyssa R.

They guides were so helpful and detail oriented.Susan A.

Just cant wait for a longer trip!!Darlene A.

I thought it was helpful that Andy gave hikers individual guidance and checked in often to see how they were doing. I cannot think of anything that could have been done better.Ray N.

Very well organized trip with workshops. Andy, you are amazing!Kris S.

I loved the route plan, absolutely beautiful. Great time of year for this section, not too cold (keeps bugs away) and not too hot. The folks were great, fun.Diana P.

This surpassed my expectations. Loved every minute. Susan R.

Great job! Thank you for hosting a great weekend! And great pictures!Scott G.

I liked all the different workshops. I liked hearing advice from all the guides. Teri H.

Thank you to the guides for the wealth of knowledge you provided. I definitely learned a lot and can't wait to apply this knowledge in the future.Jackie C.

Great schedule of events. Enjoyed that activities were optional. Good pacing during the day. Don't have any areas for improvement!Missy R.

I thought the guides were great! They were very helpful.Megan M.

Terrific! Andy was incredible! I learned, was reminded of so many essentials backpacking tips, tricks, and essentials - all in a fun, casual, inclusive, encouraging and informative way.Dawn B.

The weekend was perfect in many ways. Over the top! And the organization leading up to the trip was tremendously helpful. I had a wonderful time and am ready to gear up for the next outdoor adventure!Sharon H.

I enjoyed hearing from the guides about their experiences on the trails. Great group of people. Sharon H.

You really raised the bar for future trips! The scenery was spectacular. It was good to brush up on my water-crossing skills, too. This may become one of my favorite hikes ever.Glenn R.

Andy was extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of the trail and was a great guide.Cheryl F.

What I liked best was all of the knowledge and experience Andy shared. I learned so much and had an absolutely memorable adventure.Leigh L.

Another outstanding trip Andy! Thanks for all you did to make it so special!Lisa S.

Best hiking group ever! I loved the guides. They were both so kind and patient and answered all those questions I had about stoves, filters, packing backpack.Tippi M.

I loved EVERYTHING... truly! All of the events/activities were fantastic. I loved having everything planned out and organized. Don't change anything!Rachel H.

Another great weekend! I think all of the activities/events are well thought-out and planned, wouldn’t change anything.Donna P.

It was good getting new practical information on backpacking skills. I enjoyed learning how to cross streams. Thanks for your attention to all the pieces that made it a great trip!Mary Ellen B

Thank you for leading and educating me on an adventure I will never forget. Most importantly thank you for your smiles, laughter and fun. Andy, mission accomplished.Bob H.

We wished the trip hadn't come to an end. Thank you for sharing your expertise and bringing us all together.Terry O.

It was a great trip! Our section of trail in the Roan highlands provided great diversity and a nice sample of what life is like on the Appalachian trail.Charley S.

The guides were really informative, and everything was presented in a manner where it was a fun and learning experience.Ben K.

Great experience. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Great to meet everyone in the group. Looking forward to putting this to use in the field.Rae N.

Loved the whole experience!Tina A.

I liked the great trail, great people, and the great time we had. I just wish that bugs didn't like me so much.Junlan L.

Andy and Tama were great. They made everyone feel welcome and important. Everyone got something beneficial from the experience. The workshops were done very well.Mike H.

I appreciated mix of experienced and newbies.Karen K.

Guides are so friendly , approachable and knowledgeable Great help for a newbie!!Betty S.

Great introductory opportunity and enjoyed every aspect. Learned a lot valuable information that I will apply to future trips.Pam H.

Great group of people. You are so knowledgeable and great at sharing. Don't change anything. The trip was everything you said it would be.Deb G.

Typical well planned trip by Andy. Fun had by all!Scott B.

Andy did a great job of organizing and leading the trip and the companionship was top notch.Anne B.

I enjoyed every aspect of this trip. The guides were the greatest. I hope to backpack with you again soon.Cathy F.

Loved every second of it!!Anna K.

Andy's guidance was probably the best part of the trip and made me feel at ease.Ashley V.

The guides are amazing! I take away from this adventure feeling empowered and self reliant. Watch out World!!Kimberly P.

Change nothing! It was perfect! :-)Lisa S.

Great fun excellent accommodations and planning.Jeni W.

I thought the way the workshops were spread throughout the trip worked very well. I appreciated how candid the guides were in their presentations and in response to questions.Eunice H.

Fantastic trip and a great time. Looking forward to participating in more events!Shawn L.

This trip far exceeded my expectations.Nancy B.

The entire trip was great. I was at ease as soon as I met all the guides. They were professional and made the trip a fun learning experience, even in the rain. I couldn't ask for a better program to learn backpacking skills. I'm thankful I signed up. Thank you for a great adventure!Catie H.

Enjoyed the workshops and camping site. Thought everything excellent. Ridge A.

I loved the way the information was presented and the environment the guides created! As a new backpacker, I learned a lot - but I also learned that I still have a lot to learn!Morgan H.

I wouldn't change anything. It was quite the learning experience for me. Both guides were professional and helpful and kept our safety as their first priority.Terri C.

What an absolutely wonderful weekend this was! It was refreshing, challenging, relaxing, fun, therapeutic, inspiring, energizing, esteem building, educational and informative. The weekend was filled with new and unique experiences for me - caving, yoga, yoga in a cave, gourmet dining. Loved all of the caves we were able to see on the hikes and also the ones we were able to explore. I didn't realize how fun it would be to get up close and personal with a cave by crawling in the dirt on hands and knees. Sign me up for the next retreat!Karen P.

I'm now an experienced backpacker thanks to Outdoor Adventure Connection. Their workshops, presentations, backpack trips, and hikes have turned an interest in the outdoors into a passion. Andy is a natural at educating and promoting. He knows how to teach; he knows how to encourage; he knows when to challenge; he has a knack for connecting with people. He's creative, energetic, and a master at organization.Karen C.

Everything was so organized and fun and laid back. Can't remember when I have been so pleased with a group outing. Andy and Yvonne were so helpful. They constantly showed care and concern for every hiker. It will definitely be a cherished memory.Terry B.

The guides went above and beyond to make sure "everyone" had a good time. I would recommend this for any one interested in hiking regardless of experience level.Myron H.

Thank you so much for spending your time and sharing your knowledge and experience.Robin Y.

The guides were very helpful and accommodating.Jim H.

The guide was a great leader and teacher. I highly recommend this trip.Rita S.

Aside from spending all that time in the beautiful outdoors, I liked the workshops the best. Tama and Andy flawlessly conveyed years' worth of backpacking/camping knowledge to us in an understandable and entertaining way.Lucy W.

I really liked hearing about everyone's different experience and the tricks they learned while backpacking and camping. It was a great experience and I got to meet lots of really energetic, nice and wonderful people!Katie H.

Hiking with the other ladies. Princess Doah was great!Kari D.

Had a great time! Guides were very knowledgeable and I loved how they shared their personal experiences and answered all questions thoughtfully and honestly. I will definitely take an advanced workshop.Mike K.

Amy and Yvonne are excellent leaders and work well together. Very professional and well educated. They made the experience enjoyable and backpacking seem very manageable and meaningful.Lori D.

I really liked the planning that was evident on this trip. No one can predict the weather - and we certainly experienced 3 of the 4 seasons - but there were plans in place to deal with whatever mother nature threw at us.Linda M.

This workshop was fun, informative, and a great experience. Andy and his staff were very helpful and supportive. I would highly recommend this trip to anyone. I thoroughly enjoyed it!Leigh L.

The guides were enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and friendly! Honestly I can't think of any improvements!Mary Beth A.

Overall a great trip, lots of information about backpacking learned. I hope to do Level II trip with you soon.Bernie B.

Workshops were great reminders and short frequent breaks along the trail to breath and take in the sights.Marilyn H.

I absolutely enjoyed the trip and the workshops. I'm hooked and wanting to learn more about back country backpacking and go on more trips.Paula H.

It is perfect.Mary M.

This was an excellent trip all the way around. I am very thankful I went on this trip. I learned so much and had a great adventure doing it.Lauren D.

The guide's depth and breadth of knowledge of backpacking and the outdoors was amazing!Connie M.

I've loved the positive energy of the group, highly motivated by the guides. Andy, you've done a fantastic job at making us believe we walked around the world :-). This shows how well organized and planned everything was.Marta A.

I can't wait until my next adventure with OAC. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING, especially the memories :)Lucy W.

I loved what we did and where we stayed. Best guides I have ever met. Loved every minute. And they were so kind and patient teaching us stuff.Tippi M.

This workshop was very well planned with a vast range of knowledge from all the guides. I really enjoyed myself!Jackie C.

I loved the caving and rappelling- really physically and mentally challenging ourselves. Kristy is such a calm moderator and speaker creating a trusting environment where we felt so accepted for who we are. This enabled everyone to share without fear or embarrassment of showing our emotions. I loved all the various activities with yoga in the mix to relax the body and mind. Mary U.

I had a great time. I learned so much about backpacking. I really appreciate all the help I got, especially on the hill:)Patty O.

The guides took the time and energy to produce a great experience.John L.

I'm glad I went on this trip. I learned that the AT is a friendly place and that I can climb a mountain and gained confidence to return some other time and do it on my own. It was great meeting such a nice group of people, and I made some new friends to hike with back home. Cheryl T.

I loved being able to talk to all the instructors about their experiences and ask them any questions I had. It was awesome meeting so many fun people!Jaime S.

I liked the different demonstrations on equipment such as the stoves, water filtration, and hygiene for females. This is a great workshop for beginners and I can't think of anything that would make it better. You have done a great job and you have awesome guides! Thank you for a great experience!Erika O.

I really liked the evening supper and getting to try all the different freeze dried foods to see what we liked. All the workshops were really great and I liked how all the information was presented in a fun and relaxed atmosphere! Erika O.

Workshops were very good and spread throughout the weekend. I felt comfortable asking questions. Candy A.

Great weekend, Amazing people! Thank you!!Mike L.

We had an absolutely perfect weekend. The hiking pace was nice, the workshops were informative, and evening at the campfire trying out various types of freeze dried food and stoves was a blast. Thank you for a wonderful time.Sophia Z.

Thank you very much for a very fun backpacking trip/workshop. We leaned a lot and really enjoyed the trip. We will see you again on future backpacking trips!Shao Z.

I thought the hike and workshop were excellent. I think even experienced backpackers can benefit from this workshop.Ned P.

It was a great outdoor adventure that was emotionally, psychologically, and physically refreshing.Karen P.

I loved the 'can do' attitude, no matter the experience level of the client. They gave me a lot of confidence that no matter your experience level or physical fitness level, this can be done.Traci B.

The guide was great! She was so patient and caring. I believe she went above and beyond. Carrie N.

First one I've been on, and it was wonderful. Great people, guides, location and activity. Thanks for pulling it together!!! Name Withheld

I absolutely loved this trip! Everything about the trip was perfect thanks to Andy and Yvonne. I had a blast, learned a lot and wish it would never end!Lucy W.

This was a great workshop. Eira. T.

Everything was fabulous!! I'm not sure I could begin to pick just one thing I liked best!Gina B.

It was the best from beginning to the end. From personal experience, I don't know what you could possibly change or do better. Thank you for a truly exciting adventure.Regina C.

I had an amazing time!Shannon M.

Every detail was accounted for which is impressive given the amount of details involved! Making sure we all had instruction and communication on what came next was so great. You both truly made us each feel welcomed and included and safe. I cannot express enough how awesome it all was! Christina P.

Loved all the attention to detail for who we sat with, roomed with and all that we did!Suzy F.

I enjoyed the entire trip. he entire group had a terrific attitude about all the unexpected challenges we faced because of the weather. I think it was fantastic that the guides were able to be flexible, and had extra supplies to help us contend with the weather.Krisy C.

I enjoyed meeting new people and conversing with them.Ned P.

I liked the variety of activities that were offered. The guides were very energetic and informative about the activities. I really enjoyed the Kristy's program on stress management at the beginning of the retreat.Heather P.

I had an absolutely amazing time in the Roan Highlands. We hiked over beautiful grassy balds and mountains and had gorgeous weather, and were able to see all the mountains surrounding us. We saw beautiful flowers: rhododendrons blooming and fire azaleas and all sorts of wild flowers. I wish everyone could see such beautiful things and experience such peace, being out in nature.Alyssa R.

Andy is a great leader; he helped us with our weaknesses and praised our strengths. He provided a nice balance of group hiking and also let us hike at our own pace. I would recommend this trip to anyone who has interest in hiking any type trail for an extended period of time. Experienced hikers would definitely benefit as well. If you have every wanted to "get out there" this is the trip to take. Charley S.

I had no backpacking experience. I knew nothing about equipment or how to prepare for backpacking. But I do now. Thank you!Deb G.

I thought it was very well organized. You squeezed a lot in!Kathy S.

I thought the experience was great. I came to just hike and see the beautiful scenery but I truly learned a great deal from all of you.Rachel M.

Perfect as is.Patty B.

From Leave No Trace, to the simplicity of food choices, to starting a fire, I was amazed by all of the little tricks.Rachel M.

It was awesome! Enjoyed everything, even the rain!! Looking forward to more backpacking trips!Gwen T.

It was a great group of people. I had a lot of fun with them.Tama C.

I liked Andy's leadership style: allowing flow to the work ; encouragement; teaching; sense of humor, appreciation and respect for each person.Karen K.

Andy's inspirational and informative navigation is top notch. His passion for and deep knowledge of the AT is so tangible in both his planned workshops and informal conversations. I learned so much.Rhonda T.

What a FUN group!!! We sure were living and laughing and loving life!!!Cindy S.

I loved all the hands on activities and the experienced leaders that were there to help. It was lots of fun, and I learned so much!! Thank you!!Whitney T.

It was fun, exciting, challenging, informative and the guides were the best.Bettina H.

I would not change anything, the whole trip was fabulous. I enjoyed the workshops - especially the lingo workshop -- great way to break up the hiking and keep it entertaining!Karen C.

Andy, you couldn't be any better than what you are! We learned so much and you made us feel so comfortable and made it all fun!Gina B.

I thought the trip was very educational, especially for those really interested in learning key backpacking skills.Carol C.

The trip and workshops were fantastic. I met some new friends and learned so much. Thank you so much. This is just the beginning for me!Normajean R.

Workshops were very helpful - a wide range of equipment was displayed to give us a good idea of the options available.P.T.

I honestly feel the retreat was perfect. The attention to detail was amazing! Each activity was perfectly planned. I will recommend this if available in the future to everyone I know and will attend myself as well.Sherry L.

I thoroughly enjoyed this trip! The workshops were extremely helpful when considering planning a trip on my own. I loved having only women on the trip. Nothing against men but a trip with only women has a completely different energy and it was wonderful.Terry C.

I liked that every detail was thoroughly thought out. Trips like this enable the inexperienced hiker to gain valuable knowledge. Andy is the best at what he does!Bill K.

The guides did everything possible to make it an enjoyable and worthwhile workshop. They took special care to ensure everyone had a good experience.John L.

This was my first backpacking experience and I feel like I learned so much. All of the workshops were informative.Robin T.

The hands-on workshops with water filters and fire building were especially helpful to me. There was much value in having a guide with Yvonne's vast experience to talk to women about backpacking safety and other issues from a female perspective. Laurie J.

Thank you for taking the time to share your passion with others. I am so thankful for our trail experience together. What an amazing group of people. The laughter we all shared! Such an amazing experience!Andrea W.

Andy and Yvonne planned every step of this trip with meticulous detail. I feel so proud of what I've accomplished. Thank you, Andy, Yvonne and Outdoor Adventure Connection.Karen P.

Andy was a great guide. he gave us direction, but let us actually do it. Overall, it was a fantastic trip! I learned a lot and feel more confident in my abilities. I'm ready for the next adventure! Marybeth K.

It was just a fantastic experience and I now have new memories and new friends for life!Rupa F.

Loved it all!! Mary U.

I learned so much on this trip, like how to fit my backpack, how to set up my tent, how to start a fire, how to cross a river and how to be a responsible backpacker. I was surprised that we got the chance to try so many varieties of backpacking food.Junlan L.

The views were beautiful! I enjoyed meeting new hikers.Yvonne E.

The experiences and knowledge shared was great!David L.

It was physical and labor intense which gave me a great sense of accomplishment. Thank you Andy for the week I needed that escape and opportunity to see what I could do.Debbie B.

This trip is a hiker's dream. I learned how to navigate the AT while enjoying the company of others and the expert guidance of Andy Niekamp.Rita S.

I loved the daily yoga, especially the cave!Kelli B.

What can I say - I DID IT!!!! It was not as bad as I feared, and better than I hoped.Jane G.

I enjoyed everything about the trip. I learned a lot and appreciated the opportunity to sample so many different freeze dried meals.Margy R.

Andy has a gift for teaching about backpacking. I learned so much from him and the other guides. Loved all the workshops and testing out the backpacker meals was extremely helpful. Tracy H.

Everything was perfect!Becky S.

Motivational. This backpacking trip was exactly what I needed to encourage me to continue.Mike D.

The group size was perfect, the route choice was very interesting, and best of all Andy fostered great conversation among the group.David W.

And last but not least a huge thanks to Andy for planning, leading and inspiring us all to live life one step at a time. You truly are a great, thoughtful and generous leader.Chris C.

This was one of the best backpacking experiences I have ever had!Narayan R.

The organization of the trail projects was well planned - we had what we needed, where we needed it. It was nice having park employees join us each day too.Barb K.

It was perfect. I liked the challenge on the trail and the size of the group is great. Perfect trip. Would like to be able to do more.Andrea W.

I thought you did a wonderful job of planning and organizing the trip. It was my first group tour and thought it was great!Lucy W.

Enjoyed every detail of the trip. Since you can't change the weather there is nothing I would change. Excellent experience!Cathy F.

I liked how open the guides were to questions - felt like I could ask anything, no matter how silly or trivial it was.Fran G.

I liked the variety of activities and that they were mostly outside.Teri H.

I liked the option of hiking at our own pace on Sunday morning, not being in a hurry to get to the hostel. Everything was perfect. Thank you so much!Margie H.

Thank you for the incredible amount of knowledge shared - the hands on experience made me ready for the next step - let's do an intermediate hike!Tara S.

This is my SECOND trip and this time, conditions were extremely challenging with so much rain!! But, I learned a whole lot about how to backpack in less than stellar conditions!! That's a great thing!!! Gina B.

Every detail of the hike was well planned. The information provided beforehand was very useful and Andy's guidance during the hike enabled us all to have a great experience. I enjoyed the challenge. It was an amazing experience!Bill K.

OUTSTANDING trip and experience! I didn't know a thing about backpacking before this trip and by the time we got back to our cars on the last day, I no longer felt like a novice! I feel very comfortable going backpacking again without my wonderful guides now and actually am planning on going on a solo trip soon.Ashley O.

I loved having the park staff involved and our group breakfasts.Karen K.

Andy was a great guide and I had a wonderful time on the trail. I learned a lot about what to do and what not to do and I wouldn't change anything about his demonstrations.Carmen P.

Great company, great weekend!Barb S.

This was a great experience for me. Very well organized.Ashok K.

I loved that it was all planned for me and I could relax and enjoy it. The trail and views were awesome. The workshops were very informative. Andy made me feel safe and have fun. One of my best vacations ever! I cannot wait to get back out on the trail!! Thanks so much!Teri H.

The guide was a great leader. I will definitely do another. I look forward to the Appalachian Trail next year with you.Jessica H.

Best weekend ever!!!!! I was inspired by both of my guides as well as my fellow backpackers to challenge myself to do things that I thought were beyond my own capabilities. The workshops were extremely informative for a beginner backpacker like myself.Rose K.

Hiking, tomahawk throwing and thought the adventure was well planned and staff approachable and eager to make sure the event was safe & fun!Jill V.

Excellent!Tanya M.

The guides did a great job. You both did tons of work and were never flustered and always smiling. And you took care of all of us. I really appreciate that.Tim S.

I loved the rappelling and the yoga in the cave, and of course, I always love hiking. The food was excellent, Linda and Kristy did a great job preparing it. The cabins were great, loved having the wood burning fireplace, and there was plenty of space for 4 people. The employees at the resort, from the restaurant to the guides, were all so nice.Name Withheld

The individual attention the guides gave to everyone was awesome! The guides made everyone feel comfortable regardless of your experience. It was great and I had a blast!Sharon J.

It was absolutely amazing. I would not change a thing. I hope you do more trips. I will definitely sign up. It was great meeting all the other women. We had a very nice group. Terrie W.

I loved the whole experience. This was a great trip, the mini training sessions were great and our guides were experienced and willing to share their stories and offer great suggestions and advice.Joy W.

The trip was very helpful to me as a beginner.Naomi J.

Thanks for a grand experience! I am glad it rained, and snowed! I could handle it which is one thing I needed to know. Thank you for your personal attention.Stephen E.

Just wanted to let you know what a spectacular weekend we had. I could not have been happier signing up for this trip. For a while, I've been wanting to do more backpacking, but just now brave enough or confident enough to venture out on my own. Nancy B.

All of the guides were amazingly friendly and very knowledgeable. I am very appreciative of everything all of you did. Rachel M.

Well planned and allowed for some solo self-learning as well with follow up,Cleo W.

Another great weekend! I think all of the activities/events are well thought-out and planned, wouldn’t change anything.Christina P.

This was a wonderful way to test out if I still wanted to backpack after all these years. Andy was very helpful and gave some incredible workshops with Yvonne.John S.

I really, really enjoyed this program. I thought the workshops were interesting and informational. I really liked that you showed us different things like with the stoves and how to bear proof our food. I appreciated that we went slow and had breaks to ease us into backpacking. It was informative and fun. Thank you!Maggie U.

The entire weekend and sessions were quite enjoyable and Very informative. I especially liked the bear nagging session, and how to pack your backpack. If you're looking for a great way to gain valuable backpacking tips information with memorable and safe backpacking, the Outdoor Adventure Connection is for you.Karen M.

It was great being able to stay in cabins, not camp out. The friendly and involved park staff made the event a sure success.Frank C.

I loved the teamwork and encouragement.Loretta H.

We learned a lot of new information about how to prepare ourselves for backpacking. It was great to be able to rent some equipment and try it out before making the investment in backpacking equipment. I also loved that you tailored the information to what folks wanted to know. Wonderful experience overall!Kari M.